
Uee, 'SF8' Oh Ki-hwan Kenneth Tsang pod' starring ..Choi Siwon and co-work

Uee casts heroine 'SF8-Kenneth Tsang pods'...Choi Siwon and Rocco co-work

Uee, 'SF8' Rocco theme heroine...Choi Siwon and unique Loveline

Uee confirms Kenneth Tsang Kong pod' heroine appearance... Choi Siwon and co-work

Uee, 'SF8' series Kenneth Tsang Kong Pod' heroine...Choi Siwon and co-work

Uee confirms 'SF8' series Kenneth Tsang pod' main character ..Choi Siwon and Rocco co-work expectation

Uee, 'SF8' heroine picks...Choi Siwon and co-work