
Kim Tae Hyun, 'Jang Gwang daughter' Miza and April couple, "were dating on the premise of marriage."

Kim Tae Hyun - Actor Jang Gwang daughter 'Mija' Jang Yoon-hee gets married April 16

Yoo Seung-ho X Hyeri 'Thinking of the Flowering Moon', confirmed on December 20

Namgoong Min is mbc alive?...The Veil' and Reversal story Ending, TV viewer ratings are also outspoken.

'All states room cook' Ji Sang-ryeol, Jang Gwang daughter Miza and 'Something's going on between them recent situation'

'In the Mood for Love' J. Y. Park Jeon So-nee Love Danger...Jang Gwang, the Hand of Threat

Son Ye-jin 'beautiful sister in dress'

'Movie - The Negotiation' by Hyun Bin 'Concentrate on the Son Ye-jin Stage greetings' (Movie - The Negotiation)

Son Ye-jin 'shows beautiful sparkle in all black costumes' (Movie - The Negotiation)

Son Ye-jin's "Fashion with Heart" (Movie - The Negotiation)

Son Ye-jin 'I see only the audience ~' (Movie - The Negotiation)

Hyon Bin 'A Good Example of Man's Fall Fashion' (Movie - The Negotiation)

Son Ye-jin 'Literally Pretty Sister' (Movie - The Negotiation)