
Hyuna, even wearing only Blue Jeans on T-shirts, feels pictorial (Ft. E'Dawn)

Hyuna - DAWN, 'first official appearance after the Cube contract termination'

'Resigning contract' Hyuna - DAWN 'How was your first official appearance?'

"PSY and Jessie and Hyuna and DAWN...A Pination Family

Hyuna - DAWN 'We're so happy'

Hyona - DAWN 'I'll go with Japan'

Public couple DAWN Hyuna 'belly button fashion in sunglasses'

Hyuna - DAWN 'I'll be good to go'

Hyuna - DAWN 'Idol representative couple'

Hyuna - DAWN 'I love you'

Hyuna - DAWN couple 'happiest smile than anyone else in the world'