
"Yooyu+Watching"...EXO, Upgraded Performing Arts (Knowing Bros.)

"The waiting room widens and realizes when eating"... EXO D.O. Xiumin vacancy felt by Men on a Mission' EXO

EXO "Xiumin EXO D.O. Enlisted and part and income increased...I still have a visit."

Men on a Mission' EXO "EXO D.O. and Xiumin, Enlisted and then more horses"

Knowing Bros' EXO, the wrong charm...Kai "Dancing when you shower"

'Rough Self' Chen 'Entertainment Self' Kai, Knowing Bros.

Men on a Mission' EXO, Kai and Chanyeol Fun sense burst

Knowing Bros' EXO, colorful show .. Re-testing Yoo Jae Suk'

Knowing Bros' EXO, 8 years of farming and farming