
VagaBond' Lee Seung-gi, Moon Jin-hee of the world is also rattled.

Han Sun-hwa, night sea ahead of Sic beauty Divergence 'Fascinational'

Lee Jin-hyuk unveils 'I Like That' music thumbnail...

Jessie X Jay Park announces 'Drip' today (first day) "My Own Style"

EXO's Return, Regular 6th Album 'OBSESSION' release November 27th

EXO returns to regular 6th album on 27th

EXO, 27th, regular 6th album to confirm comeback ..

EXO, 27th regular 6th album 'Option' released ..

EXO, 'K Pop King' Return ..27 Regular 6th Album 'OBSESSION' release

EXO, 27th, regular 6th album comeback .. fully Power expectation

EXO 27 Comeback, Will Million Seller Record Again?

EXO confirmed comeback on 27th ...regular 6th album 'Option'