
Han Ji-min, 'Hand printing is beautiful, too, isn't it?'

Han Ji-min, 'Hand printing is sweet, too.'

Han Ji-min, "The Blue Dragon's Girl."

Han Ji-min, "The Sparkling Hair."

Han Ji-min, "The sign is beautiful."

Lee Ha-nui 'there has never been this charm, the dimples of Maseong'

Lee Ha-nui 'overwhelmed Energy'

Yi Dong-hwi, Pappy is everywhere on the runway

Yi Dong-hwi, 'How's my fashion?'

Yi Dong-hwi 'toe with edge'

Resonance 'smart'

Lee Ha-nui, charming dimples smile

Park Hye-soo, 'climbing the stairs carefully'

Park Hye-soo, 'Self-illumination Smile'

Lee Joon-hyuk, 'Hot Appearance.'

Sewan Park, 'A charming appearance.'

Jung Woo-sung 'The former brought back the magic of the Charmer'

'Witness' Jung Woo-sung and Kim Hyung Gi, a pleasant smile ~