
bts, EXO and Taeyeon..MMA Top 10 This year

Paul Kim unveils group shot of Jukjae Taeyeon 'Begin Again' "missing time"

"Love Poem" IU comeback, MC Mong and Taeyeon to signal chart war

"Happy Halloween"...Taeyeon, Little Wizard Writing Pumpkin Hat

"Happie Halloween" Taeyeon, cute Pumpkin Hat shot

Taeyeon, provocative beauty shown with off-shoulder...Fashion charm

BTS Jimin topped Idol brand reputation in October

'Combag' Taeyeon 'Burtish' Mube Teaser...excessive make-up 'strong'

Taeyeon releases Regular 2nd album title song 'Burt' MV Teaser "Carisma Vocal Queen transform"

'Comeback' Taeyeon, the song 'Wine' Highlights of the regular 2nd album deep eyes

Taeyeon's second album 'Purpose' was released on OcTober 28.Tracklist released

Taeyeon is it? I'm coming back with a strong second album, "Burtty."

Taeyeon, Prague transforms a clean autumn woman

Taeyeon "Girls' Generation Lifetime Friends, Big Comfort People" (pictured)

Taeyeon shows off her 'twinkle' goddess beauty in black and white photos

Taeyeon, a pictorial routine...Incomparable atmosphere coming out through black and white.

Taeyeon, is it Barbie? The dream beauty of mistaking is "pretty pretty."

Taeyeon, Cropty+Blue jeans...still 'stupid charm'

Begin Again' Jukjae, Park Bo-gum 'Let's Go to the Stars' original song "Recently Working with Taeyeon and IU"

When Sunny and Taeyeon meet... Girls' Generation reunites