
'One Clath' Park Seo-joon X Lee David united, starting revenge for Janga group

Itaewon Class' Park Seo-joon X Lee David raises 'acceleration' of revenge for Jangga

'One Clath' Park Seo-joon X Lee David united, starting revenge for Jangga

"Sunbread is important"..."Lee Tae-won, Park Seo-joon, Yoo Jae-myung, back of the head, Jeong Jo-jun...Lee David and Revenge Start

'One Clath' Park Seo-joon, today (21st) begins revenge for Yo Jae-myung

'Itaewon Klath' Park Seo-joon X Lee David, start a thrilling revenge for the Jangga group!

"One Clath" Park Seo-joon X Lee David united..."Fighting is important."

'Itae One Clath' Park Seo-joon, Yoo Jae-myung back-header Jeong Jo-jun (Lee David)

"Itaewon Klath" side "Park Seo-joon multiple battle speed up...Cooperation with Lee David"

'Itaewon Klath' Park Seo-joon, Class is Other Ambition...Present Aura

Lee, David, 'Hotel Del one day'→'Itaewon Club Festival' joined the.."Park Seo-joon and Breath"

Lee, David, 'Itaewon Club Festival' appearances confirmed..Park Seo-joon and Acting Breath

Lee David cast for 'Itaewon Klath'...Park Seo-joon and Smoke Breath

Lee David confirms jtbc's 'Itaeuon Clath' appearance...Park Seo-joon co-work

Lee David confirms 'Itaeuon Klath' cast...Park Seo-joon and Acting co-work

Actor Lee David, this JTBC's new Morning drama, 'Itaewon Club Festival appearances confirmed with smoke in the future.

Actor Lee David, this 'Itaewon Club Festival appearances confirmed with Acting turns in the future.

Lee David confirms 'Itaewon Klath' appearance! Park Seo-joon and Start-up Story Prehistory

Actor Lee David, this 'Itaewon Club Festival appearances confirmed with Acting turns in the future.

Lee David, 'Itaewon Clath' star leads Park Seo-joon and start-up story