
IZ*ONE Kwon Eun-Bi - Jang Won-young - Kim Chae Won 'The choreography of dolls'

IZ*ONE Jang Won-young 'lovely national centre'

IZ*ONE Jang Won-young 'shining beauty'

IZ*ONE Jang Won-young - Kim Min-joo 'Bloody by Flower Beauty'

IZ*ONE Jang Won-young 'unique centre beauty'

IZ*ONE Jang Won-young 'beauty that cannot be taken off'

IZ*ONE Jang Won-young - Kim Chae Won 'Beauty of the Water ~'

IZ*ONE Jang Won-young, a dazzling National Center Visual

IZ*ONE Jang Won-young 'unique zipper skirt'

Jang Won-young 'scented'

Wonyoung Sakura 'Pretty next to a pretty girl'

IZ*ONE Jang Won-young 'beauty of the Jang Center'

IZ*ONE Jang Won-young 'beauty of the glowing national centre'

IZ*ONE Jang Won-young 'center visuals more brilliant than roses'

IZ*ONE Jang Won-young and Nako Yabuki 'Cute Kid next to Pretty Kid'

Jang Won-young - Nako Yabuki, 'ticks out 20cm tall difference'

Jang Won-young - Sakura, 'Han - Il representative center visual'

IZ*ONE Jang Won-young 'smiling full of pretty'

IZ*ONE Jang Won-young, you don't like this?

Sakura - Jang Won-young, Han - Il representative center beauty