
Wanna One - Heize, it went to Music...Vocal Award 'delight'

Heize, the Appearance of a Music Gangster

Heize, I can't take my eyes off him!

Heize, Taeyeon met...'Sungdeok Certification'

'Seek Lovely' Heize, beauty model cheeks pallor charm

"Bohemian to Sikh eyes...Heize's transformation is innocent

'Wanna One Go' Wanna One Unit Birth...Wannable and Heize ringing and ending

"We Heondae"...Heize X Ong Seong-wu X Lee Dae-hwi, a trio of Sea

"Contract Extension and Coming Spo and Bae Jin Young Tears"...Wanna One, Everything You've Been Telling Yourself