Basketball player-turned-broadcaster Hyun Joo-yup and comedian Park Myeong-su have revealed the fasting that they have to fast because of their "tobap likes".
On Saturday, the 7-meeting tour of the Chungnam budget began in the Ticast E-channel entertainment program "I like rice (abbreviated tobap)" broadcast on the 26th. Except for Kim Jong-min, who could not join Corona's isolation, Noh Sa-yeon, Park Myeong-su, Hyun Joo-yup, Hibab, and four members went on a food trip.
Prior to the full-scale trip, new member Hyun Joo-yup expressed the aftermath of shooting "I like tobap." "I weighed 6kg after the last shooting." Once you shoot it, it seems to be steaming 5 ~ 6kg. "
Park Myeong-su also said, "I am 3kg," he said. "If I increase my weight after recording, I do not eat dinner for 3 days and climb for 2 days."
Even in this complaint, the members collapsed in front of Chinese cuisine. In the restaurant of 80 years history, he continued to eat food that he could not refuse, such as Oryong sea cucumber, Jeongabok, Kangpung Daeha, Yangjangbok, and seafood Nurungjitang.
Park Myeong-su was fond of the taste after eating the Oryong Sea cucumber, saying, "It tastes deep, it's really delicious, it doesn't taste like this even when you go to a famous hotel." Hibab also admired, saying, "I have never eaten such food even when I live in China."
E channel.