Channel A entertainment program 'Meet me at the Meat?' Ends on the 30th last circuit. As a result of the coverage on the 18th, 'Meet me at the Meat?' Will End at the End of 24th on the 30th. Meet me at the Meat? Is the first restaurant tour entertainment program that deals only with ⁇ Meat ⁇ . I have vividly conveyed everything about Meat, including how to enjoy Meat restaurants and Meat in various areas. However, as the average audience rating per episode was less than 1% and did not produce a topic, it was evaluated as a failure as a program. The audience rating was only 0.6% on the 16th. I tried to make a change by inviting guests, but I could not go beyond the limit of 'Meat Eating'. Kang Ho-dong's unique way of proceeding also lost its distinctiveness as it did not reach new viewers. The main MC was Kang Ho-dong, Kim Ho-young, and Song So-hee. In the meantime, Kwon Eun-bae, JoKwon, jinhae-seong, 'Meet me at the Meat?' Was broadcast every Saturday at 4:40 pm.