“I don’t think there’s anything legal that can be a problem,” K said in a daily economic conference on Sunday, saying, “It’s not a book written for the purpose of Disclosure or condemnation.”
“I expected it, but I don’t think it will be cited (even if I apply for a provisional injunction against publication),” he said. “I still admired and wrote it in detail, but there are a lot of stories that have happened in my life as well as that story.”
In fact, K wrote in his book review, “I want to show off my life and tell someone a story that is a model for me, and I do not want to miss someone I loved or to shoot because I hate someone I loved.”
“I had a dream about a writer before I wrote a book,” he said, from the Department of Korean Language Education at Seoul National University. “I’m out of Alcohol now, but I want to regain my lost personal identity and identity.”
K will publish an autobiographical Essay titled Alcohol The Surrendered (written) on the 28th.
“It was a very empty ending for a century of love that made the world buzz, saying that I overcame my 30-year-old car,” the publisher said in a book review. “It was a month after the fire and everything collapsed. The situation that has been developed since the news of the romance is in the book. The judgment is up to the reader. "
However, this book is expected to be controversial because it includes privacy related contents such as First night, pregnancy and marriage plan from the first meeting with Yun-shik Baek, who is 30 years old.
Yun-shik Baek's agency Fantasy said on the day, "We are checking on book Publishing and will review strong and strict legal action."