Forty-four-year-old Sung Si-kyung is honest about marriAge ⁇ Age, there is no Love, game immersion is young ⁇ (I'll eat)

Singer Sung Si-kyung frankly talked about why Love gets harder as Age gets older. On October 5, Sung Si-kyung's channel Sung Si-kyung' came up with a video called Sung Si-kyung's food l Of the government'. On this day, Sung Si-kyung asked his married manAger, "Is it good to get married?" The manAger replied, "I feel like a married man. When I registered my marriAge, only my family knew about it, but when I got married, everyone around me knew about it. I feel a clear sense of responsibility." In response, Sung Si-kyung said, "It's a blessing to have someone you like so much. If you get older, you won't fall in Love." Sung Si-kyung said, "If you have a Currency-counting machine and you have to break the end of the game, if you have this much Currency-counting machine, you will die in the first round, die again in the second round, and if you do not have a few Currency-counting machines, "Is this right? Should I do it this time? If it's bad, I have to do it from the first round. So I can't spend money. I don't have much money. Isn't that just the mind of an Aged Man?"