Singers Lee Hyori, Bae Suzy and Young Tak made a big move to donate 100 million won for the Neighbors who suffered flood damage. Lee Hyori said, "I was sick when I saw those who wore Damage! On the last 18 days. I explained Donation to tell you that I was sick together. She donated 100 million won to the Hope Bridge All States Disaster Relief Association to help flood damage Neighbor. Lee Hyori said, "We all want this situation to go away with one heart. I hope that we will be able to retrieval our precious daily life as soon as possible." Lee Hyori has been steadily leading the way in protecting the dogs, sharing for the vulnerable, protecting the environment, etc. Hope Bridge Secretary General Kim Jung-hee said, "Damage! I would like to thank Lee Hyori for his warm heart for Neighbor and Damage! Neighbor said he would do his best to return to his daily life. Meanwhile, Bae Suzy, a former member of the girl group Mitsui, also joined the Donation procession today (19th), donating 100 million won to the Hope Bridge All States Disaster Relief Association. On this day, Bae Suzy said, "I would like to express my deepest condolences to all those who have suffered many Damage! This is not the first time Bae Suzy's Donation is a member of the Hope Bridge Honors Club. Neighbor, 2020 flood damage, 2022 East Coast forest fires and flood damage, each Donation of 100 million won is delivering a warm heart. In Bae Suzy's Donation, Secretary General Kim Jung-hee of Hope Bridge said he was grateful to Bae Suzy for participating in the Donation whenever a disaster occurred. On the same day, trot singer Young Tak also practiced good deeds. He donated 100 million won to the Korean Red Cross. Young Tak felt a great sadness when he heard the sad news of his hometown, Gyeongbuk, through the Korean Red Cross Society. He decided to make a Donation with the hope that it would be a small contribution to the people of his hometown as it is a place with many memories. In the meantime, I would like to express my sincere condolences to those who have worn Damage! With the heavy rain that has been going on for a long time. "He added," Please try to get your old routine back as soon as possible. " Young Tak has also conveyed his heart through Donation many times. In 2022, Donation of Now 100 million won was made at the time of the large-scale forest fires on the east coast, and Donation of the prize money for children with leukemia is steadily doing good. Young Tak's fan club is also a model for society as it continues Donation activities for medical staff and the underprivileged at Covid-19 dedicated hospitals and exerts good influence with artists. On the other hand, trot singer Jang Min-Ho also donated 100 million won to the Retrieval Community Chamber of Love and practiced love. His Now is used for relief supplies and housing support for flood damage people. On this day, Jang Min-Ho said, "I would like to express my deepest condolences to the flood damage people wearing Damage! And pray for a quick Retrieval. I hope it will be used for Neighbor who is wearing Damage! DB