Damage! is continuing due to record heavy rains, followed by the Donation procession of stars. On the 19th, Hope Bridge All states Disaster Relief Association Bae Suzy announced that it donated 100 million won Now to help flood damage Neighbor. Bae Suzy said, "I would like to express my deepest condolences to all those who have suffered many Damage! Due to the heavy rain, and I hope that it will help a little bit so that I can return to my daily life soon." Bae Suzy is the 2019 Gangwon Wildfire Damage! Starting with Donation to help Neighbor, we will donate 100 million won each to flood damage in 2020, forest fires and flood damage in 2022, and disaster Damage! I'm giving Neighbour hope. Singer Lee Hyori also donated 100 million won through Hope Bridge and participated in sharing to help flood damage Neighbor. Lee Hyori said, "It was heartbreaking to see those who wore Damage! In a series of heavy rains. I came to Donation to tell you that I was sick together. We all want this situation to pass by with one heart. I hope to be able to redeem my precious daily life as soon as possible. " Lee Hyori has been steadily leading the way in protecting dogs, sharing for vulnerable groups, and protecting the environment. Young Tak donated 100 million won to the Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Tech, where a large Damage! Is located in Cloudburst through the Korean Red Cross. He said, "I felt a great sadness when I heard the sad news that happened at the Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Tech in my hometown." He said that he decided to donate with the hope that it would be a small contribution to the people of his hometown. "I would like to express my sincere condolences to those who have worn Damage! With Cloudburst every day, and ask them to work hard at the Red Cross so that they can regain their old routines as soon as possible." Young Tak has been steadily doing good deeds such as donating 100 million won for Residents at the time of the large-scale forest fires on the East Coast last year and donating the entire amount of money for children with leukemia. Jang Min-ho also donated 100 million won to the Retrieval Community Chest of Love, saying, "I would like to express my deepest condolences to the flood damage people wearing Damage! "I hope it will be used for Neighbor, who is wearing a lot of Damage!" Donation gold is used for relief supplies and housing support for flood damage people. Actors Kim Hess, Kim Woobin, Shin Min Ah, Yoo Jae Suk, and Sai also donated Now 100 million won for the quick daily Retrieval of flood damage Neighbor. Singer Im Yong-woong, in the name of the fan club 'Hero Age', donated a total of 200 million won to the fruit of love, 100 million won each, along with his company's fish music. Cheongju Broadcasting 17 people died in Chungbuk due to flooding accident in Osong underground car. Han Hyo-ju, the hometown of Cheongju Broadcasting, can not dare to imagine the sadness of those who wear Damage! I sincerely hope that the flood victims will be able to retrieval their lives as soon as possible. " According to the Central Disaster and Security Headquarters, 44 people were killed and 6 people were missing at 6:00 am on March 19, and 16,490 people were temporarily evacuated. As the heavy rain Damage continues in all states, the Donation procession of stars such as Lee Chan Won 100 million won, Gong Min 50 million won, Park Narae 10 million won, Lee Hye Young 10 million won continues. Photo=DB