On the 23rd, Jung Dong-won said, "Jung Dong-won moved the Traffic law and regulation to the motorcycle on the Midnight eastern highway on the 23rd. I acknowledged that I had moved Traffic laws and regulations in the field and followed due process. " Jung Dong-won said, "I am deeply reflecting on the fact that I did not recognize the Toyota exclusive road by the first motorcycle operation and moved violence. Jung Dong-won is deeply reflecting on it, and I will pay attention to my agency so that the same thing does not recur. " According to the Seoul Dongdaemun Police Station, Jung Dong-won was driving a motorcycle on the Seoul East Highway on the 23rd, and was arrested on suspicion of Moving violation of the Traffic Act (prohibition of Traffic). Police were reported to have caught Jung Dong-won, who was driving on the spot after receiving a report that the motorcycle was driving in expressways in Taiwan. On the other hand, Jung Dong-won, who was born on March 19, 2007, was reported to have obtained a driver's license on the 21st. Hi! It's show entertainment. Jung Dong-won mis-entered the motor cycle on the Toyota exclusive road on the Midnight East Highway on March 23 to move Traffic law and regulation. Therefore, I acknowledged that I had moved Traffic law and regulation in the field and followed the proper procedure. I am deeply reflecting on the fact that I did not recognize the Toyota exclusive road by the first driving of the motorcycle and did the moving vibration. Jung Dong-won is deeply reflecting on it, and I will pay attention to my agency to prevent the same thing from happening again. Again, I apologize and apologize for the inconvenience I have caused my fans. Thank you. show play Entertainment Dreams