Jung Dong-won is 148 centimeters tall and 174 centimeters tall...I hear a lot of people around me telling me to be careful of the "inverse side" ('immortal')

Jung Dong-won returned to his stormy appearance and created warmth. KBS 2TV 'Immortal Songs: Singing the Legend' was broadcast on the 16th as a special feature of 'Song of Memory'. The special was designed to improve awareness of dementia ahead of "Day of Overcoming dementia" (September 21). As global aging is accelerating with the increasing life expectancy around the world, dementia is intended to convey a message that it is natural and that it can be overcome if it comes together. Jung Dong-won, who visited 'Immortal Songs: Singing the Legend' after a long time, said, "Three years have already passed. I have missed these Feelings for a long time. I hope you will listen carefully because I prepared the Stage hard today. " MC Kim Jun-hyun looked at Jung Dong-won, who grew up in a storm, and said, "It is not easy to say 'Dongwon-ah' even if we meet on the road now. Lee Chan-won said, "I was really big. I met Jung Dong-won for the first time in elementary school. Jung Dong-won said that he was 148cm tall when he first met Lee Chan-won and laughed, saying, "It was big when I was in middle school, but now it is stagnant." On this day, Jung Dong-won asked Lee Chan-won, "How is the study going?" "I do not know if I'm talking about Attendance or grades. In the case of grades, I am a good student at school. " When asked if Jung Dong-won was popular at school, he said, "At first, there were a lot of people. But I guess I can't help it. I was so naughty that my friends hated me." Jung Dong-won selected the 'natural things' of the transfer on this day. He said, "I thought it was natural for us to be irritated and grumbled to our parents because we could not think of it. When I think about it, I think it will be a Song that can be a force for those who come to the audience today, as well as the lyrics. " Jung Dong-won, who created 20 choirs and Stages, impressed many people by singing thanks to 'natural things'. MC Lee Chan-won, who watched the Stage, said, "Jung Dong-won grew up with his grandparents since he was a child. But when he was 13 years old, his grandfather died of cancer. So, when I sing this Song, the ability to convey emotions seems to be better than adult singers. " On the other hand, MC Shin Dong-yup welcomed Jung Dong-won, who appeared in three years, and asked, "At that time, I was naughty, crazy and cute, but I became mature. I said I was nervous because I appeared for a long time, but how do you feel after the Stage?" Jung Dong-won said, "When I was rehearsing, I was so satisfied that I thought, 'Let's just do this.' But I was so nervous that it sounded like I made a mistake. I'm still very nervous." Shin Dong-yup said, "I am so glad that when I was young, I was cute and handsome, but there are friends who are getting bigger and slightly inverse side. When Dongwon sees himself in the mirror during puberty, did not you think that you are glad?" I asked. Then Jung Dong-won said, "I heard a lot of people say, 'If you do not manage now, you will really inverse side.' But I do not manage anything. I was able to grow up so well because I grew up eating a lot of love from my fans. "