In the TV documentary program "Star documentary myway" broadcasted on the afternoon of the 19th, singer Kim Bu-ja, who called the national song "Dal Tareong", appeared and revealed his own unique daily life. On this day, Kim said, "The secret of my long-time singer activity is thorough practice." I practice every once or twice every three times during One Week. If I do not practice, my throat may be locked. So I practice two or three times in One Week. "He added that exercise management is as thorough as voice management. "The first thing I do after washing my face is exercise in the morning. I do it almost every day," he said. "My peers are surprised when they see me. I haven't lived in pain. Others say that their backs, legs, knees and shoulders are all sore, but I have not had any health care yet. " The reason why I insist on thorough health care is because of my voice.