Hello, My Dolly GirlFriend, who was just wearing underwear and climbed on "Nam Sachin" and filmed "Barf...boyFriend, "angry" ('s senior 3')

Ko Min Nam has expressed his worries about Hello and My Dolly GirlFriend, who crossed the line with Nam Sachin.
In the 123rd KBS Joy entertainment program 'Love's Interview 3' broadcasted on the last 10 days, the story of GFriend, who does not want to get close to the Friends of Gonnam, was revealed along with Hello and My Dolly GirlFriend, who take a Bodie profile with Nam Sachin.
GFriend refused to meet with Friends, saying that if he became acquainted with Boy Friends, it would be difficult to break up with Boy Friends. GFriend then confessed that he had planned Love for about two years from the beginning. 'Normally Love' is that when I met for about two years, I fought my opponent and when I broke up, I had to hate my opponent so it was too hard to break up before that.
GFriend, who is willing to Love her for a long time, is hard to understand, but decided to do her best to change her mind. However, as the time approached for two years, the pain of the mind grew, and eventually the troubled person first broke up.
However, GFriend insisted that two years was not the exact period and that he could not break up because he still Loved it. Joo Woo-jae and Han Hye-jin were absurd, saying, "It is selfish," and "The decision of separation was for me." Kwak Jeong-eun said, "GFriend's words that change about two years do not want to be hurt, so I appealed for a kind of barrigate."
Han Hye-jin said, "It is hard to Love on the premise that I will Love forever, but can I be happy when the ball of separation floats on the surface of the water?" Joo Woo-jae said, "Is it hard to break up now? I like it now, so meet me until I like it. "
On the other hand, Kwak Jeong-eun said, "I want to say keep Love on," he said. "GFriend seems to have wanted to play strong. I dreamed of eternal Love, but I was betrayed every time and closed my mind. We all live with knowing we're going to die. If you experience all the Love of today even if it is over at the end, you will never hurt even if I kick or difference later. "
Meanwhile, the story of a boyFriend who made a surprise visit to the Bodie profile of Hello and My Dolly GirlFriend was told. The boyFriend, who had been on a secret set with an annual to cheer on Hello, My Dolly GirlFriend, witnessed the appearance of Hello, My Dolly GirlFriend and his Southern Sachin in close-knit underwear. The two high-level men were enough to cause the anger of their boyFriends.
Joe Woo-jae responded that "what kind of body profile is this?" And Kwak Jin-eun also pointed out, "Do you shoot Barf like this?" "This is just a couple underwear."
“When I think about why I take that, I needed an object called a man to make my body look sexy,” said Kwak Jeong-eun, “because I’m more prominent when I’m alone and I’m photographed with a man in a sexual pose.”