Park Myeong-su "Two comedians who ate 3 million won...You can pay them back, eat well and live well" ('Radio show')

Comedian Park Myeong-su reveals thoughts on money relationship
Park Myeong-su told KBS Cool FM Park Myeong-su's Radio show' on the 17th that he had not received the return of lending 3 million won to his former comedian.
On the day, Park Myeong-su shared his experience after hearing a listener's story that he had borrowed money from a close Friend and failed to pay back.
The listener said, "I borrowed 5 million won to Friend three years ago and have not yet paid it back. I think I can pay half of it, but I am sorry to contact you in three years. I am worried about whether to ask for a little wait or not. "
Park Myeong-su said, "Friend does not ask. You have to contact him first. That's polite. I'm over 50. But he doesn’t contact the two seniors who borrowed three million won from me. I asked his best motive and he borrowed three million won from him. If you can’t pay it back, you have to apologize and ask for a little more. If you do not contact me, your opponent knows that the relationship is broken. "
Park Myeong-su advised Friend to pay some first, then to pay back if he had room. "You could say that a really relaxed Friend is what you received and just use it, you didn't know if you would contact me," he said.
He added, "My brother who ate 3 million won of my money will eat well and live well.