ICo, someone did it and it was from "Coco Sound." "The vice president and the meal, the mother Friend invited."

Singer Lee Coco (31), who explained the rumors with the chaebol chairman, has been a member of the group Blady and Coco Sound.
Lee Coco joined in 2013 as a member of the second Brady episode, also known for appearing on the cable channel Mnet 'Superstar K' Season 2 in Los Angeles, USA.
In 2016, she acted as a female duo Coco sound, which was also noted at the time as a unique concept team. The Coco sound member who worked with Lee Coco is the sound (31), but the Coco sound was disbanded in March 2019.
Coco also appeared as host on Arirang TV based on his fluent English skills, especially in the entertainment "Transfer Love" last year.
As of March 13, the YouTube channel is also in operation, with 490,000 subscribers. The rumor explanation with the chaebol chairman is also Lee Coco, who posted on the YouTube channel community bulletin board.
Meanwhile, Coco explained in detail the rumors with the chaebol chairman in the explanation.
"I have been working personally for years without an agency, and my family, especially my mother, helped me a lot," said Coco. "When I was helping my work, my mother heard from my mother Friend by the end of 2020 that my mother Friend had a meal with Lee. And my mother Friend suggested that I would like to invite me to a meal with Lee. "My mother was so happy with the proposal and took my schedule directly. At the dinner table, I first met Lee. "
However, Coco said, "After the dinner with former president Lee and his mother Friends at the end of 2020, I have never met with former vice chairman both publicly and privately."
"I have had a personal katok from the former vice chairman several times, but I have only answered one or two times at a level to keep the courtesy of the adult," said Coco. "I have never shared a message with my former vice chairman that is against my conscience."
In addition, Coco has actively explained rumors related to program participation and album distribution. "I am sorry that Coco Farm, who always supports me, will have been hurt by this incident," said Coco. "I am very grateful for your sincere faith in me and waiting until the end. I will once again tell you that Coco Farm has never been concerned. "