MBN 'Doll Singles 2', which is broadcasted on the 17th, is the first MBN signboard Love entertainment to draw the life of living with the Love of stones for the first time in Korea. Stonesing men and women who entered 'Dolsing Village' to find new ties Under this single rule of 'fall in Love', we run a passionate romance without backwardness.
4MC Lee Hye-Yeong, Yoo Se-yoon, Lee Ji-hye and Jung Gyu-woon will be the new stone-singing men and women eighty He has made a confident declaration of war. Lee Hye-Yeong said, "I thought that the performers expressed their hearts with more courage than season 1." Yoo Se-yoon then stimulates curiosity by saying, "I get closer than the previous season, and there are colorful people with deep stories."
Lee Ji-hye also commented that "the overall age was young, and the feeling that the good men and women gathered was strong." "At some point, Storm will be in the 'Dolsing Village'," he predicted. Jung Gyu-woon added, "The speed of falling in Love with the men and women was very fast and honest." "Doll Singles" is also "spicy taste!"
He also tipped off the notable cast. Lee Hye-Yeong said, "There is a performer who suffered a duty during the season 1 broadcast, and who supported the second stage after watching 'Singles'." "It is very impactful and expected results." "I have a performer who is very good at singing, and I am curious that the identity is not yet disclosed," said Yoo Se-yoon. Lee Ji-hye said, "I like Dolsing Nam, who is very good and active as an atmosphere maker." "I want to be a couple and go out of Dolsing Village."
In addition, 4MC said, "I will sympathize more hard with the cast members who have suffered one pain and have courage, and I will not spare Cheering." Finally, when a couple of stone-singing men and women actually come to a close, Yoo Se-yoon is nervous that "I have to see a marriage society of course." Jung Gyu-woon attracted attention with his pledge to "borrow a cafe so that I can take an outdoor wedding shoot."
In addition, 'Doll Singles2' first released the first recording scene of season 2 of 4MC Lee Hye-Yeong, Yoo Se-yoon, Lee Ji-hye and Jung Gyu-woon, raising expectations. In the newly renovated studio, 4MC is interestingly watching its first meeting in Dolsing Village with a 'steamy smile' in full bloom.
"The MCs gathered for the new season are continuing to record more than ever," said the production team of "Singles." "Please expect the exciting meddling of the sympathy fairy."
'Doll Singles2' will be broadcast first at 9:20 pm on the 17th.
Photo: MBN