'Dolsing 4' Lee Hye-Yeong "There are many people who are not bad with their ex-spouse even after divorce"

MBN signboard reality 'Singles4' Lee Hye-Yeonggg - Yoo Se-yoon - Lee Ji-hye - Eun Ji-won - Austin Kang's participation in season 4 MC and 'United States of America' did. 'Singles4', which broadcasts its first episode on the 23rd, moves the background from Korea to the United States of America and carries the bold romance of rocking men and women from the United States of America who are looking for a new relationship under the single rule of 'fall in love' . Especially, this season will open 'Dolsing House' in Cancun, Mexico, the holy place of honeymoon, and will add more fun to viewers with more exotic scenery. Meanwhile, 5MC Lee Hye-Yeongg - Yoo Se-yoon - Lee Ji-hye - Eun Ji-won - Austin River, who came together with 'Singles4', made a confident declaration of war with new 'rocking man and woman'. Lee Hye-Yeongg, Lee Hye-Yeongg, Lee Hye-Yeongg, Lee Hye-Yeongg, Lee Hye-Yeongg, Lee Hye-Yeongg, Lee Hye-Yeongg, Lee Hye-Yeongg, Lee Hye-Yeongg, Lee Hye-Yeongg, Lee Hye-Yeongg, Lee Hye-Yeongg It was also impressive to see how cool it was about the time required. " Yoo Se-yoon added, "I am sure that Koreans living in the United States of America are very good at expressing their feelings." Lee Ji-hye said, "Obviously, the jobs are huge and the sizes are different according to the global side." "I want to tell you that it is not what it looks like. There was a 'reversal' in their visuals," he said. Eun Ji-won and Austin River, who joined the new MC from season 4, said, "It is a steam fan of 'Singles' who have enjoyed the existing season so much." "This season is also very enjoyable on the spot." In addition, Eun Ji-won said, "Every time the information of the cast members is released one by one, the situation changes so much." "Singles" expresses the "taste of seeing", while Austin River " I was completely immersed in the screen, "he said. I also mentioned the point of watching season 4, including notable performers. Yoo Se-yoon said, "There is a surprise," and Lee Ji-hye said, "Every time I change my mind, my condition suddenly gets worse and I was cute with the candidness of the cast rejecting the dash." Finally, Lee Hye-Yeong said, "I did not have a chance to directly experience the lives of the United States of America Koreans, and I think I can show them their thoughts and the process of life through this season." "I can look forward to season 4 I am confident. " In addition, the production team of 'Singles4' released the first 'complete' picture of 5MC Lee Hye-Yeonggg - Yoo Se-yoon - Lee Ji-hye - Eun Ji-won - Austin Kang. In the studio, which was newly renovated with the motif of the burning sun of Cancun, Mexico, 5MC showed the perfect visual and boasted 'vampire beauty'. Also, watching the prepared VCR makes a smile on the appearance of charming rocking man and woman, and it informs the birth of a season that is immersed and upgraded as if it is sucked into the screen. The production team said, "The 5MCs, which are newly coincidental for season 4 'United States of America', are showing more perfect breathing than ever before and are continuing to be frank. Based on the experience of each person's life, he said, "Please watch the big success of those who have been reborn as" sympathy fairies. " The reality 'Singles4' United States of America, which deals with rocking man and woman's love and cohabitation, will be broadcasted at MBN on October 23 at 10 pm.