Kwak Jin-eun indirectly mentioned Han Hye-jin, who had been confirmed by Covid recently, on his 17th day of his instagram, saying, "I have been together for a long time and go to work without my dear colleagues." The two are appearing together on KBS Joy entertainment program Love's Interfering Season 3.
“I want to say this now about the words ‘You don’t write Mask with any privileges and come together’,” said Kwak Jeong-eun, “and it is an obligation and a right to write Mask in the Only Age.”
"There will be no Broadcaster that records with a heart that is not anxious," he said. "Most of the broadcast sites do not use Mask because it is still possible." It is the current guidelines for prevention of the current duty of wearing broadcasts, and it is the characteristics of this industry that the screen should be drawn as well as possible, so even if you want to use Mask and protect yourself, you do not have the right to do so for the performers. "
“I think that the environment of broadcasting production needs to change now that we are making a strong social distance and everyone is suffering, even though we are making the fourth pandemic, but we think that all the performers should come to the recording site after PCR inspection,” he said.
“I ask for the quick judgment of the authorities,” Kwak Jeong-eun said, adding that he had no rights, not privileges.
As the Covid 4th pandemic hit the airwaves, along with volleyball player Kim Yo-han, Park Tae-hwan, Yoon Dong-sik, Mo Tae-beom and Lee Hyung-taek, who finished the season 2 recording of 'We must unite', were confirmed. In addition, Jang Min-ho was confirmed and Lim Young-woong, Young-tak, Lee Chan-won, Kim Hee-jae and Jung Dong-won entered the self-discipline.
An hour later, I leave the house for the recording, and I go to work with a long time and no colleagues I care about, 'You guys gather together without Mask for what privileges.' I want to say this now about the word.
I think it is both an obligation and a right to write Mask in this Only era. The right to protect yourself, to work safely, to protect those I meet from this epidemic. If your boss tells you to take off Mask and work as soon as you go to work, you will be deprived of your rights. If I get caught, I can give a great pain to someone I care about or someone I do not know at all, but there will be no Broadcaster recording with a heart that is not nervous.
Most of the time, it is basically 'because it still does' that does not use Mask in the broadcasting scene. It is the current broadcasting guideline that excludes the obligation to wear Mask, and it is the characteristics of this industry that the screen should be drawn as well as possible, so it is the current broadcasting production situation that the performers do not have the right to do it even if they want to protect themselves with Mask. It has been a year since I participated in the recording and participated in the recording, so even if I moved it, my family could not eat it easily.
I think that the environment of broadcasting production needs to change now that everyone is suffering from the fourth pandemic, but it is a strong social distance. Up to 70 percent of vaccination rates, I think the obligation to wear Mask should be urgently introduced to the recording scene.
If you have to take off Mask, I think all the performers should come to the recording site after PCR test. If new principles are not urgently created, it is the current production environment that the number of confirmed people is inevitably increasing, and Broadcasters will have to work in a dangerous environment, with their health and the health and well-being of others around them.
I would like to ask the authorities to make a quick decision.
No, not because I have privileges. I have no rights