Fashion magazine Days released an intense picture with Rapper SEO Hyon.
SEO Hyon, who made a remarkable impression as the only high school student in Mnet 'Show Me the Money 8' at the End of September, showed confidence as a Rapper in this picture. In addition, from the colorful look to the street style, it was perfectly digested and impressed.
SEO Hyon also frankly and proudly brought out his story in an interview that followed the picture. "I got everything I wanted through 'Shomi 8', and I did not lose anything." "My debut song Jeroen Perceval', which will be released soon, is a remix of the song of the Burbald Producer. I think it will be the best start in domestic hip-hop history. "He explained his debut song" Jeroen Perceval ".
More detailed pictures and interviews of SEO Hyon can be found on the Days' homepage, Instagram, and YouTube.
Photo: Daysd