Park So-youn "hasn't had time to go out to Canada after retirement" Hey Ghost, Let's Fight Confessions (a playing Sister)

Park So-youn Confessions his Hey Ghost, Let's Fight fact
The teacast E channel a playing Sister, which aired on August 3, was attended by national athletes from each event, including golf, volleyball, swimming, figure skating, rhythmic gymnastics, skating, martial arts, baseball, jujitsu, curling, and table tennis, which have appeared for the past year.
Park So-youn said, "I want to drink" while watching the lunch menu chicken ribs, which made Suh Hyowon panicked, "Can I drink?" Kwak Min-jung said. 25," explained Suh Hyowon, who mistook his during Park So-youn for a minor.
Suh Hyowon, who learned that Park So-youn was born in 1997, was embarrassed that he was "10 years old with me."
Park So-youn also said, "I went to Europe at the end of September and had an ice show. I will tour until the end of April, "he said." My good relationship comes from abroad. "
So when Suh Hyowon asked, "Did you still have a relationship?" Park So-youn shook his head silently.
Park So-youn said, "I did not want to concentrate on exercise only when I was an athlete and I did not want to have a love affair. I didn't have time," he explained.