"Summit," based on the next webtoon "Summit: SteelSeries Reign3" to be unveiled on September 23, depicts the Danger situation just before the war, which takes place after the three leaders were kidnapped by North Korea's nuclear submarine in a coup d'etat in the North, among the near future South and North American Summits. It is an extension of the SteelSeries Reign Universe, which was introduced in 2011, and the SteelSeries Reign Univers, which followed the Steel Rain: SteelSeries Reign2 in 2017.
The start of the SteelSeries Reign Universe, the webtoon 'SteelSeries Reign' predicted the death of Kim Jong Il (1941-2011), and collected a big topic and exceeded 10 million views. The second work, "Steel Rain: SteelSeries Reign2", is the original work of the film "Steel Rain", with the motif of a fresh idea that a North Korean leader who crosses life and death after the North Korea coup escapes to the south. The harmony and romance of the two main characters representing the two Koreas in the nuclear war Danger of the moment gave fun.
The third work, 'Summit: SteelSeries Reign3', is a Danger situation of war across Northeast Asia beyond the north and south, and it conveys upgraded fun and tension. At the same time as filming, the original webtoon 'Summit: SteelSeries Reign3', directed by Yang Woo-suk, will be released first on September 23 through the next webtoon and Kakao page.
Jung Woo-sung (46) and Kwak Do-won (45), who play former North Korean special agent and senior presidential secretary for foReign affairs and security at the Blue House in "Steel Rain," change their affiliation with each other in this "Summit." The South Korean president, who combines cool reason and human warmth, is played by Jung Woo-sung, and Kwak Do-won, the hard-line escort director of North Korea, who caused the coup.
As North Korea chairman, Yoo Yeon-seok (35) joins in, expecting a transformation that will surpass stereotypes of North Korea leader, who is massive and full-bodied.
'Summit' is scheduled to be released in the first half of 2020 after filming in the second half of the year.