The Fishermen and the City' season5 Lee Tae-gon and Kim Joon-hyun get off...Lee Kyung-kyu and Lee Deok-hwa and Lee Soo-geun The Embarkation for Cythera

"The The Fishermen and the City" begins. On the 21st, i solo coverage, a new season of Channel A entertainment program The Fishermen and the City' started shooting. Lee Kyung-kyu, Lee Deok-hwa and Lee Soo-geun were filming and Lee Tae-gon and Kim Joon-hyun were excluded. The Fishermen and the City' is an entertainment program that stands for 'Real Fishing Variety'. It is the first fishing entertainment in Korea. In September 2017, season1 The Embarkation for Cythera has been established and a number of enthusiasts have been established and continue to cruise to season5. Lee Kyung-kyu, the leader of the club, has been very popular with his sincere combination of first-year members and guests who are sincere about fishing. The Fishermen and the City is an official statement that a different rule will be added to create interest and seek change. IMBC ⁇ Photo Source Channel A