Singer Noh Sa-yeon (66) sings the elder son Hyun Mee (real name Kim Myung Sun) On the 7th, Seoul Heungseok-dong Chung-Ang University Funeral Correspondence Room No. 1 was equipped with the Mortuary of the late Hyun Mee. Noh Sa-yeon, who arrived at the Mortuary this afternoon, said, "It was the same Singer and Like the sky was a great mount, but I'm so sad. I think our mount was the coolest and best star. I could not keep up with the voice and the aunt. "Always told me that Singer should be healthy in body and mind, not to do bad things that can convey healthy sounds to fans." "Our aunt has been loved by so many people and has always been healthy and positive and laughing and energetic. Suddenly, when I left this side, many people told me that it was futile and how could this happen? "" Many people loved me, so ant happily went to heaven and thanked us and said, "Do not worry." Noh Sa-yeon said, "Music is not a memory. When I listen to a song, I was with someone at that time, and no matter how old I am, it is the charm of music to go back to those days. It is so wonderful to have a good song for many fans that I became a Singer. "" I would be grateful if you could not forget Hyun Mee forever, I would be grateful if you could take it out and sing a lot of good songs. " On the other hand, Hyun Mee was found dead at 9:37 am on May 4 at his home in Ichon-dong, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, and was transferred to a nearby hospital but died. The Funeral of the deceased is strictly adhered to the korea Singers association for five days from this day to 11th. The Funeral Chairperson was Suh Soo-nam, an auditor of the korea Singers association, and the Funeral Committee was chaired by the executive board of the association. The Funeral ceremony will be held at 9 a.m. on the 11th, and comedian Lee Yong-sik will host the event, while Singer Park Sang-min and Ali will deliver the eulogy. The burial site was originally planned to be a seoul memorial park, but the cemetery will be built in the U.S. after cremation at the seoul memorial park according to the bereaved family's wishes. Born in Gangdong-gun, South Pyongan Province in 1938, Hyun Mee made his debut as a sister in 1957 and became popular as a "night mist" in 1962. Since then, he has been loved as a national Singer, leaving a representative song such as 'I want to see', 'When I leave, I do not want to leave', 'I was good', 'My lover', 'Why do you ask me?' Hyun Mee's nephew is Singer Noh Sa-yeon, actor Han Sang-jin.