Sea vomited the accumulated resentment during the S.E.S. Film. The JTBC entertainment show "Knowing Bros," which aired on the 18th, featured Sea from the idol "S.E.S." who became a Mother, Sunye from "Wonder Girls" and So Yul from "Crayon Pop." On this day, Sea Recalled his debut at SM Entertainment and said, "At first, S.E.S. When I told you that I could do the main vocals and the main visuals, where did you bring eugene? "I laughed. Sea said, "When I brought eugene from overSeas, I thought I should do the main vocals." There was also a nickname called 'Little Choi Ji-woo', saying that it resembled Choi Ji-woo's sister. " He said, "By the way, when I started Film, I was particularly disappointed with 'Love', especially Cage stylist sisters." Sea said, "I recorded all night, recorded the chorus, and worked really hard. I went out to the performing arts and worked hard," he said. "But only eugene is pretty, and he gives me an elephant decoration." He said, "Isn't it too beautiful?" Finally, he mentioned Japan Film, which had been active in S.E.S. Sea said, "My juniors, without Cage S.E.S., there was no one. Cage I really want to make up for you because I have a makeup box, a train, I can not eat sushi, I carry my herbs and I have finished Japan Film. "He appealed to his juniors and laughed. Sea said, "So make it harder to Film." He added that he supported the idol group juniors who are currently Filming. Photo = JTBC broadcast screen