Actor Kim Seolhyun expressed his feelings about appearing in 'Aha'. Kim Seolhyun posted on his SNS account on the 22nd, "PM 9:20 'I don't want to do anything' tonight. In the meantime, I've been working hard not to be scolded and not to fall behind. But now, I was the one who scolded me the most. Now I have nothing to lose. Let's do our best. I can do this Summer! " Kim Seolhyun showed a beautiful smile on the set. "Kim Seolhyun's long pleasures and charming visuals captivate Sight. Ginny TV Original Drama ⁇ I do not want to do anything ⁇ (Profit margins set, Production Profit margins set Hong Moon Pyo, Planning KT Studio Ginny, production jitist) is a drama depicting Summer's decision to do nothing at Burn Out. It is broadcast every Monday and Tuesday at 9:20 pm on the ENA channel.