Elf Princess Rane' Jimin returns to Solo after two years of Blady MBC FM4U broadcast on the 8th Kim Shin-Young is the hope song of noon', Jimin from AOA appeared as a guest. Jimin recently returned with the release of his first EP album 'BOXES'. About the recent situation during the break, Jimin said, "I started Diet. I gained a lot of weight and tried to lose a little. Kim Shin-Young said, "I asked him why he did this, and he asked me to put water in it." Kim Shin-Young said, "Why do you ask that? Jimin said, "I wanted to share it with you." Regarding the meaning of his first Solo album, Jimin said, "It's meant to let go of the past and become a new me. It's not as fancy as before, but I think it's an album that can be a little more honest." The title song "Sympathy" means sympathy and compassion. Jimin said that he made an album with this song, "It means that I will leave the past and be a different person and show everything." Jimin, who was in charge of rap at the time of the AOA activity, returned to vocals. "When did you practice vocals?" Jimin said, "There was a little Blady. It was not a time to stop for two years, but it was time for me to run. " My best friend Kim Shin-Young said, "I remember Jimin, who was going slowly but little by little. I'm proud and touched that the album is with me." At Kim Shin-Young's request for an "ending pose," Jimin posed as "Ball Heart." When Kim Shin-Young said, "That's been a while," Jimin said, "I guess I'm still stuck in the past." The listener asked, "Did Jimin tell Kim Shin-Young the songs in advance?" Kim Shin-Young blurred, "I used to play the contest song. I'm not an emotionalist." Jimin said, "Sister is very cold and hardcore to me." Kim Shin-Young said, "I need such feedback to work well. I do not usually talk about it." Jimin said, "I wanted to sing a song that was flowing, but Sister said there should be a 'wow' point. I told her not to let it go." Jimin, who chose Penomeco as an artist he wanted to work with. Jimin sent a love call to Penomeco, "I would like to sing with you." Jimin, who chose Seolhyun among SeolhyunvsKim Shin-Young if he leaves Travel with one person. Jimin said, "Shinyoung Sister is a great planner, so Travel is busy. If you go to Seolhyun and Travel, both lie down. " Kim Shin-Young said, "I feel like a retreat." Kim Shin-Young said, "Who goes to Danang and wakes up at 1 o'clock? I do not think I should take care of it, "he said." So I got permission and woke up with breakfast. "