Jimin, a singer Withdrawal from girl group aoa due to outcast controversy, has returned to Solo after two years of Blady. Jimin appeared as a guest in MBC FM4U Kim Shin-Young is the hope song of noon' broadcasted on the 8th. Jimin recently returned with the release of his first EP album, "BOXES." He said, "I started Diet. I gained a lot of weight and wanted to lose a little. I tried to do it because I wanted to put chicken breast and steamed egg, but it became fry. " Jimin, who enjoys climbing with Seolhyun, a member of aoa, said, "When I climb, I wake up one by one and I feel a sense of accomplishment." Regarding his first Solo album, Jimin explained, "It's an album that means I'm going to leave the old me and become a new me. It's not as fancy as before, but I think it's an album that can be a little more honest." The title song "Sympathy" means sympathy and compassion. Jimin said that he made an album starting with this song and said, "It means that I will leave the past and be a different person and show everything." Jimin, who returned to vocals rather than rap, said, "Blady was still running. It was not a stopping time for two years ago, but it was a running time for me." Kim Shin-Young, I'm proud and touched that the album is with me." Penomeco was one of the artists I wanted to work with. Jimin said, "I would like to sing with you." "If you leave Travel with one person, SeolhyunvsKim Shin-Young" chooses Seolhyun. Jimin said, "Shinyoung Sister is a great planner, so Travel is busy. If you go to Seolhyun and Travel, both lie down. " On the other hand, Jimin, who made his debut as an aoa member in 2012, had a controversy over the outcast surrounding former member Kwon Min-ah and Withdrawal the team in 2020. Jimin, who announced the suspension of his activities, signed an exclusive contract with Alo Malo Entertainment in July last year and announced his new start. Recently, JTBC showed off his potential as a vocalist through his second world title.