'Illegal shooting controversy' getting off the boatman...' German cockroach Rasmus Dahlin mouth 2' Jo Se-ho X GABEE joins as new member

Web entertainment 'German cockroach Rasmus Dahlin mouth' returns to season 2.
According to Studio Waffle on the 16th, 'Will you come together? German cockroach Rasmus Dahlin mouth' Season 2 will be broadcast on the 28th.
German cockroach Rasmus Dahlin mouth 2 is a high-quality non-rational, non-fundamental 2016 Republic Party presidential debate an in the corner. Last season 1, with fresh fun and a splash of conversation, it received 42 million cumulative views and 3.2 million views on average.
This season 2 stars Lee Yong-jin, satire, Kwak Tube and Jo Se-ho and GABEE, who are on the road. Jo Se-ho has recently been attracting attention with its unique taste and witty talk, crossing YouTube and broadcasting. GABEE is also attracting attention as a person who is attracted to the honest gesture and the sensitivity specialized in the MZ generation. He has appeared in Season 1 and has received a lot of response.
As the panels that boast unpredictable speech are gathered together, the more powerful 2016 Republic Party presidential debates an will be more fun. The topic of five people who do not know where to go from the latest topic that sweeps SNS is already raising expectations.
Chemistry between the new Babyface and the existing panel is also a watch point. Another attraction that has been towing the 'German cockroach Rasmus Dahlin mouth' was the chemistry and relationship between the panels. As such, we are looking forward to seeing who will show the synergy of laughter with what chemistry this time, and it is expected that the new Babyface will add more honest characters to the show.
Meanwhile, rapper boatman, who has been controversial with the Illegal shoot, is not with him this season. Baek Sagong admitted that he secretly photographed the body of a woman and shared it with his acquaintances and was directly investigated by the police.