"Are you trapped?" Hong Kong Typhoon direct hit .. Stop shooting ⁇ Hotel isolation 'Emergency' ('Hong Kim-dongjeon')

The team of hong kim-dongjeon, who was hit by Hong Kong's super Typhoon in about 74 years, was drawn up and reported on Smokey and the Bandit situation until the emergency situation. members gathered to leave for Hong Kong from KBS2TV ⁇ hong kim-dongjeon ⁇ ⁇ broadcast on the 14th were drawn. Three days before departure, each had to take out the Currency-counting machine, sit in the business if the front, and in the economy seat if the back. Currency-counting machine From throwing to excited members. Jo Se-ho, Kim Sook, Joo Woo-jae and Jin-kyeong Hong won the business seats and Jang Woo-young won the economy seats. I arrived at Hong Kong safely. But the members who cared about Typhoon news. Hong Kong is worried that the Typhoon insomnia guidelines are strict, but the members are expecting the rainy Hong Kong to be the first shot after the end of the day. Fortunately, the weather was calm, but all of a sudden I was nervous that Typhoon could pass by. I arrived at the No Strings Attached, a high-rise with up to 40 floors. It was a luxury five-star hotel. It cost 8 million won per night. Kim Sook and Woo-young! ⁇ The real restaurant was local and arrived in the city. No Strings Attached In contrast, Jin-kyeong Hong, Jo Se-ho and Joo Woo-jae arrived at Michelin-starred luxury restaurants. Suddenly, the staff had to leave because of Typhoon. "It was a real-time shutdown due to Typhoon Alert." In the afternoon, the weather suddenly deteriorated and the weather became threatening. Typhoon Saola approached Hong Kong, followed by heavy rain accompanied by gusts. The members said, "Well, what are we going to do?" "Where are we going?" "What's going on?" "The mirror is shaking, the tree is going to fall." "There is no one on the road. I was shocked by the unrealistic distance. Same with the local team. The members were worried about the safety and quantity of the production Jindo. "Smokey and the Bandit situation, which was stopped shooting. All the members gathered in the hotel room. Jin-kyeong Hong was worried that it was like a refugee camp here. I checked the news first to find out the situation of Jindo. When I asked the local coordinator about the situation, Typhoon was coming with a terrible momentum, and the situation got worse and the Typhoon alarm changed from 8 to 9. It was Smokey and the Bandit situation where Super Typhoon came in 74 years on the first overseas shooting day. Planes have even been cancelled with Typhoon. I found out that the Planes that the members came on were the last Planes. Production Jindo ⁇ The current situation is that they are trapped in the last Planes, and all of them are surprised that this makes sense. Jindo Smokey and the Bandit The No Strings Attached, Typhoon Alert has been upgraded to 10 levels. I could see the top level of Super Typhoon. It's a rainy and windy situation. In the trailer, Hong Kong was clear after the rain, and members started to break the seal of the Hong Kong sightseeing spot. The picturesque Hong Kong scenery has already been anticipated.