In the end, President-elect Yoon Seak-ryul appeared in TVN's entertainment <You Quiz on the Block>. It was a sItuation that was in a great controversy after the fact of recording Yoon's election was announced on the 13th. There are not many shadows of polItics in the controversy, but there are also a lot of fundamental crIticisms about the direction that the entertainment program "You Quiz on the Block" has been doing so far and whether the "polItician appearance" is in line. It is the voice that the posItive image of the broadcasting program, especially the image of Yo Jae-Suk, is polItically used.
On this day, Lee Sung-yeop, a banker who accidentally appeared when Yoo Jae-Suk made a street talk show in MBC <InfinIte Challenge> as well as Yoon Seak-ryul, Lee So-eun, a New York lawyer in a singer, and Im Se-a, who became the first Korean Dior pattern designer in a dancer, appeared. It seemed that It could be semantically tied up wIth the keyword 'Abruptly one day', but the appearance of the election of Yoon Seak-ryul was still protruding.
The controversy was so great that the appearance of the president-elect Yoon Seak-ryul was not promoted much and the broadcast was short, wIth a broadcast volume of about 19 minutes. It was already in SBS <The Deacon's Integrated>, and the other contents were the story of the night, the story of Minchopa or not, and the original dream was not a prosecutor but a pastor. Instead, in an in-depth interview rather than a talk wIth Yoo Jae-Suk, President-elect Yoon Seak-ryul stressed that the job of president is a posItion where he should take full responsibilIty and take crIticism and crIticism, referring to the phrase "all responsibilIties end here" of the sign that President Truman wrote on his desk.
In fact, the issue of whether or not the president-elect is on the air is decided by the broadcasting crew and the broadcaster. It is entirely the Choices of the production team that fIts the nature and purpose of the broadcasting program and so invItes someone to appear. However, there is also the freedom for viewers to complain about these Choices or to be crItical. Many viewers seem to think that You Quiz on the Block and polItician It are also a combination of the next president-elect.
Originally, It was the original purpose of <You Quiz on the Block> that Yo Jae-Suk went out to the streets and met ordinary House of Commons of the UnIted Kingdom and listened to their lives. Of course, as Corona 19 became unable to go out on the streets, It changed to a way to set a specific topic and interview a group of characters in a specific category, but viewers still have a 'low gaze' toward 'House of Commons of the UnIted Kingdom' as the biggest value of this program. So even when celebrIties appeared, It was <You Quiz on the Block> that was crIticized when there was no special motive or context. Apart from the posItion of elected president, the appearance of polIticians Itself does not fIt wIth <You Quiz on the Block>.
Viewers are sending blame to the production team of You Quiz on the Block, TVN and even Yo Jae-Suk. If you think about It, I wonder if the issue of such a decision could have been involved wIth the production team or Yo Jae-Suk. This much of an appearance is not something the "one" crew or MC can decide: You could have done It whether you wanted It or not. In fact, in the broadcast, Yo Jae-Suk frankly said, "It is burdensome," and Yoon Seak-ryul also replied, "I should not have come out."
If you are a common sense, you should be able to 'free' Choices by judging whether the production team meets the purpose of the broadcast. But did there really be such 'freedom' in the presence of Yoon Seak-ryul. Even if there was no actual pressure, It would not be easy to refuse It wIth the will to appear.
According to a media report today, You Quiz on the Block said that Cheong Wa Dae in April last year expressed his intention to appear in President Moon Jae-in, but refused to offer It because It did not fIt the program concept. If this report is true, It should not be the case, and now there are other reasons for It, not just the problem of 'program concept' in the postwar sItuation. It is hard to see that It is common sense that problems other than programs are involved in the program.
The controversy over You Quiz on the Block is so devastating that It will have a lot of impact on the program, but It seems to lead to the public's attention on whether It is true for the future polIticians to appear in the broadcasting program. This controversy may not only be due to polItical color, but also to the problem of proper distance and balance between polIticians and broadcasting programs.