Kim Ji-min, in reference to Kim Jun-ho, even to the dance of the bumsil bum, "Fine Restaurant open run" (open run)

Kim Ji-min has played open run with Couple Kim Jun-ho, he said.
On April 18th, SBS Plus's new entertainment 'open run' had time to review and review 'It It It Item', which makes money even if it is well lined up.
On this day, Jun Jin told Kim Ji-min, "Ji Min has some good news recently." The performers then sang a congratulatory song to Kim Ji-min, and Kim Ji-min even danced with a bright expression saying "thank you".
Jun Jin also asked, "It was originally beautiful, but it became more beautiful. I laughed at my face. Did you two ever open run together?"
Kim Ji-min said, "I was quiet. I decided to go to a restaurant together a while ago. There were four people. Fortunately, I waited only 35 minutes, but when I stood in line, the line behind us was too long. "
Meanwhile Kim Jun-ho Kim Ji-min has officially admitted his devotion in recent years. Kim Jun-ho was born in 1975 and Kim Ji-min was born in 1984. The age difference between the two is 9 years old.
In particular, Kim Jun-ho is a "dollsing" who suffered from divorce in 2018, and the fact that the two people were dating has made a big headline.