Kim Jun-ho Kim Ji-min made his first companion appearance on the entertainment program after the release of his devotion.
In SBS 'Take off your shoes and dolsing foreman', which will be broadcasted on May 24th, Kim Ji-min, Who became a hot topic with Kim Jun-ho and his devotion announcement, will appear and reveal the pink Love story for the first time.
As soon as Kim Ji-min appeared on the day, the members were surprised and laughed at the appearance of Kim Jun-ho, Who changed 180 degrees from expression to tone.
First, Dolsing Forman went to the fact that he was really dating the two of them. Who first went to Black Heart (? Kim Jun-ho laughed at the question of Jealous mixed questions such as whether he had a pity or a pity, saying, "Is this a question for the Couple that starts?"
Kim Ji-min then talked about the moment when Kim Jun-ho looked cool, and "I felt like a Princess," Kim Jun-ho's unexpected aspect was revealed and surprised everyone. Tak Jae-hoon, Who saw two people Who were in a hurry, exploded Jealous and destroyed the scene.
However, Kim Ji-min has focused his attention on the anecdote that he recently fought Kim Jun-ho. Dolling Forman, Who listened to the story, said, "There is no eternal Love."
Dolsing Forman then tested Kim Jun-ho Kim Ji-min's Love tendency. The two men, Who were discussing the subject of Remove the dust from the hair of a reason friend, and not VS, began to show differences. When Kim Jun-ho was embarrassed that he was "sweaty," Dolsing Forman laughed at Jealous, Who was jokingly mixed with "I do not fit as I sell it."