Moves such as Choo Ja-hyun and So-won Ham?...Kimchi 'Paochai' notation Commentary 'delete' (Oh! Issue)

From So-won Ham to Choo Ja-hyun, entertainers who represent Korea are misquoting kimchi with Pao Chai and are bitter to the netizens.
On the 17th, Choo Ja-hyun uploaded a video titled "Ramen Food Daily" through his China SNS. The video shows Choo Ja-hyun eating ramen noodles with kimchi.
In the video, Choo Ja-hyun boasted that Husband Woo Hyo-kwang was boiled ramen, and continued to eat. At first glance, Choo Ja-hyun's eating food was not a problem, but he was eating ramen noodles in kimchi. In the video, kimchi was marked as 'Pao Chai' in the caption, which became controversial.
Professor Seo Kyung-duk said on his SNS on the 21st, "There is a report from my followers." "Actor Choo Ja-hyun, who is showing active acting activities in Korea and China, posted a short video of his ramen eating on his Chao Hongshu (China version Instagram).
Professor Seo said, "There are many entertainers and influencers who are active in China, but it is worthy of praise for the national prestige and foreign currency, but I do not want to make any more mistakes." China has also claimed that the origin of the kimchi is part of the Northeastern process, as well as the kimchi process.
Professor Seo said, "I think that if you are especially influential, you should know the basic national sentiment." After the kimchi process of China, our netizens are constantly trying to fix the wrong part of Korean kimchi in Paochai all over the World. I just hope you do.”
Since then, Choo Ja-hyun has quietly deleted the video as if he was conscious of this point, but he has not yet released an explanation for the subtitle "Pao Chai". Currently, BH Entertainment, a subsidiary company, said that it had made a video through a media and said that it had conveyed its position after internal discussions.
Among them, So-won Ham was once again recalled to express kimchi as Pao Cha. So-won Ham also bought the sympathy of the netizens by expressing kimchi as a pao tea while eating with the mother-in-law of China Husband.
In the end, So-won Ham posted a picture of Gimchi with a short hashtag called "# Kimchi" without a message on his SNS. So-won Ham, who was reprimanded by the netizens by raising only the photos instead of apology or explanation message. Unlike him, Choo Ja-hyun also quietly deletes the video and leaves the same path.
Meanwhile, Woo Hyo-kwang was caught up in the affair, causing a big wave. He was caught returning home with a woman on his lap late at night. BH Entertainment, a subsidiary company, explained, "It was a happening in the process of returning home after meeting with acquaintances."
Woo Hyo-kwang also said through Wei Bo, "No matter how good a close friend is, I need to be careful, but my rash behavior has caused misunderstandings." There is no way to express my sorryness in any words. I will be more careful about my demeanor as a father, Husband, and I will never let this bother me again. "
So-won Ham has one daughter under 18 years old Evolution and marriage. He appeared on TV Chosun 'Fat of Wife' and shared his daily life with Family, but after admitting controversy when he was caught up in the Falsify controversy, he got off all broadcasts. Recently, I was attracted to the recent move to a new house.