"If you kiss another woman, the three daughters ask 'Father what are you doing?'," Lion Reynolds confesses.

Deadpool Lion Laynolds, 45, told an episode with her three daughters.
He recently had Q&A time with fans regarding Netflix's Adam Project.
One audience member asked, “Was it real to kiss Joe Saldana, who pLayed his wife Laura in the pLay?”
Laynolds, who has three daughters with BLayk Lively, 37, said, "I do not know how to explain it to the children. The children ask, 'What are you doing?' It’s not anger, it’s disappointment.”
They are famed as Hollywood's top kenko couple, who agreed to take the filming break no matter how busy they were to be at least one of them at home with their children.
The couple told their children about complex world events, such as Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the group said.
Laynolds said, "I do not think it is a good idea to inject my own perspective and story about war at that age. But I just want to know what children feel and think, and it tends to work well. "
Meanwhile, the couple donated $1 milLion (about 1.2 bilLion won) to Ukraine refugees.