German actor Diane Creweger, 45, said she felt like 'meat' when she did a costume in the movie and auditioned in front of a senior executive at Warner Brothers.
Creweger told Variety on Thursday that he felt like "meat" while he was wearing a costume in his office and testing in front of a senior executive during an audition for "Troy."
He recalled how a senior Warner Brothers executive stared at him blankly while auditioning in a movie goddess costume.
Creweger remembers testing for ""I was 'Troy' and having to go to the studio headquarters in costume, and I felt like meat. I was asked in a glance that looked up and down: 'Why do you think you should play this part? '...I've obviously met the winestein of the world (the big-time producer who started the American Hollywood Me Too movement) from the start," he said of the humiliating experience.
"It was in a situation that was so inappropriate and so uncomfortable - it felt like this when I first started - Hollywood is this place," he added.
"Troy" is Creweger's Hollywood entry; in the play he played Helene, a moderating beauty who has led all his misfortunes.
Industry insiders gushed that it was unusual for an actress to take a course and actually interview an executive in the office, not in the form of a regular audition. Testing is more common to shoot for later producers and executives to see.
Creweger refused to name the executive who forced him to wear the costume at the time.
Creweger, who made his debut in 2002 as a "piano player," starred in the films "Basters: The Rough Guys", "Fairwell My Queen", "Maryland" and "Night Shell" and won the 70th Cannes Film Festival Best Actress Award in 2017 for "The Judgement".