On sbs Running Man', which will be broadcast on December 1 (Sun), Running Man 'Slack Brothers' will be released by Lee Kwang-soo, Jeon So-min and Yang Se-chan's youngest three.
In a recent recording, Lee Kwang-soo complained to Yoo Jae-Suk that Ji Suk-jin was "you are the senior but I am the brother", and "My mother watched Running Man' broadcast and said, 'Oh, Mr. Seokjin is a real Slack'.
Yoo Jae-Suk asked Jeon So-min, "Who is your Running Man' Slack?" And Lee Kwang-soo suddenly shouted "Slack brother!" To Yoo Jae-Suk and once again made members laugh.
Jeon So-min also did Disclosure on Haha: “Haha is also very Slack. I do not ask, but I am proud of myself, I tell you about the past. " The Slack Brothers were consistently sunny and did not care about it, making the atmosphere of the scene pleasant.
On the other hand, Race held a special unity Race for winter unique snacks from Daewang Bungbung to ice cream. It is expected that the two sides will be able to overcome suspicions and distrust of each other and succeed in unity.