Jung Eun-pyo, son Jung Ji-ung Seoul National University celebration of passing "I can not do this big"

Actor Jung Eun-pyo thanked the young Jung Ji-ung for his passing of Seoul National University.
Jung Eun-pyo posted a video on the SNS on the morning of February 6th, featuring the birthday party scene of Jung Ji-ung.
In the video, Jung Ji-ung is smiling happily as he celebrates his family's warm birthday, and he is cute with his hands in hand and wishing.
Jung Eun-pyo said, "Woong is a video of his third year of high school," he said. "Thank you for your hard work and always smiling at your family."
Jung Eun-pyo received a celebration of many fans, netizens and fellow entertainers on the 3rd of last month by announcing that Jung Ji-ung passed the Seoul National University school through SNS.
Jung Eun-pyo said, "I am so grateful and grateful for the passing of the university, but I did not know that this would grow. I am embarrassed by many news and more cheering comments, and I do not know what to do. "
Jung Eun-pyo said, "I would like to thank you for your good words and support, and I will take good care of Ji-woong so that he can become a warmer adult. I am grateful," he added.
Jung Ji-ung passed the Seoul National University College of Humanities in 2022 as a liberal arts college student.
Jung Ji-ung said through SNS, "I started studying on time because I wanted to go to a university that I wanted to go to, "I had a hard time studying for a year," he said. "In fact, I had to trust me after I left my school records and there was no other way. Fortunately, my parents and the teachers around me believed me, so I did not feel like I was walking with my own burden. "
"My dearest friend in the world and my cute sisters ... My family! I really love you, and I have been doing my best for a year."
Jung Ji-ung, along with his childhood father Jung Eun-pyo, appeared on SBS 'Star Junior Show Bungbap' and announced his face.
I am grateful for the news of the university passing, but I did not know that it would be so great. I am embarrassed by many news and more cheering comments. I am so grateful for your good words and support and I will take care of you so that you can be a warmer adult. Thank you.