Lee Se-young, who was in the Bath, was surprised by Lee Joon-ho's naked body and fell into the Bath together, and gave a tension full of excitement and tension.
In the 6th episode of MBC's gilt drama "The Red Sleeve" (playplayplay by Jeong Hae-ri / directed by Jeong Ji-in and Song Yeon-hwa), which was broadcast on November 27, the performance of Lee Se-young, who released the gold spirit of Lee Joon-ho by himself, was portrayed.
On this day, I found a person who could prove to Yeongjo (Lee Duk-hwa) to solve the acid silver gold spirit. The troubles of the discrete were conveyed to the Dongduk society through the Sungdeok, but everyone could not make a pointed number, and Sungdeokim came up with the answer that only he could do.
Sung Duk-im mentioned Kim (Jang Hee-jin) to Lee San. Sung Duk-im said, "This is the only thing I can do as a woman." He said, "I will see Mama in the middle and ask you to be on the side of the decline."
Sung Duk-im, with the help of Hye-bin Hong (Kang Mal-geum), approached Jung-jeon Kim on the pretext of helping the Junggungjeon, which is busy with the work of a man who is a man who is still alive. Kim, who read the approach and intention of this kind of virtue, suggested that he play a mystery game because he was free, tested the wisdom of Sung Duk Lim and at the same time, he was filled with the self of the separated person.
Sung Duk-im did not get the correct answer intended by the middle war, but he caught the heart of the middle war with an unthinkable intelligent answer. In addition, the mirror compares the chung of the discrete to the mirror, "The mirror shines everything the same. As if the mirror is the same as Mama's emphasis on Goodbye My Princess, Goodbye My Princess also considers Mama. As much as Mama gives Goodbye My Princess, Goodbye My Princess will also receive Mama as Hyosung. "He said wisely that discrete is a situation that requires the help of the present heavy war, and he will never forget the grace.
Jung-jeon Kim made a proposal to Sung Duk-im. If I bring a cause that no one can refute the Seo Hyo-rim, who is arrogant to himself, I will be on the side of Seson as Sung Deok-im wants. Since then, Sung Duk-im has received information from his comrade Bae Gyeong-hee (Ha Yuli), who has a father in charge, that Hwawan Ongju bought the finest silk of the Qing Dynasty to wear it in a pro-Jamrye, and wrote down a plan to press Hwawan Ongju using it.
In the sense that he should wear clothes as a silk of Joseon, Kim made clothes with Qing Dynasty silk, and boasted to his wife and wife of the inside and outside, and slapped and punished Hwawan Ongju in front of him. And this was a great cause that even Yeongjo recognized that "Yongju did what he did." Jungjeon Kim was on the side of the separation at the same time as Yeongjo's recognition, and eventually the gold spirit of the separation was released.
With this work, the trust and love for the Sungdeokim of the separated people grew, and the check of Hongdeokro (Kanghoon) also doubled. So Hong Duk-ro harassed and threatened Sungdeok late at night, and sent a twisted check that "I will be deprived of the position of the subordinate to my anti-sister." On the other hand, I did not know the contents of the acid silver conversation that watched this from afar, and I just grew jealous.
Iacid silver has become much more hysterical with jealousy of Hong Duk-ro and Sung Duk-im. Even the middle war that I like is a situation where I keep my work next to myself without returning the castle to Goodbye My Princess. So, the Sanggung and Nine, which were difficult to match the planting of the separated, prepared a tang with medicines to calm down the turbulence and reached the Bath of the separated.
At this time, the only one who was not well was the dizziness of the upper palace where the bat of the discrete was available. Nine, who had to listen to the Bath of the other Nine, but who was afraid of the discrete, stopped by Goodbye My Princess when there was no one else. Nine forced Sungdeok into the Bath market of discrete.
I closed my eyes with my top and said, "I am tired of the acid silver in the Bath." I was surprised to see that the answering voice was a virtue. Iacid silver I picked up the top that was taken off in a hurry while turning around.
After that, I saw the acid silver virtue that was again served by Bath, and then I remembered the memories of Last Night's Curry, Tomorrow's Bread, and I met with the "Last Night's Curry, Tomorrow's Bread and the librarian alone? I can't believe that the co-author is so close to you. What if you see someone else? " In the meantime, I was the one who was harassed by Sungdeok, but when I asked that I was the only one who was a tree, "It is not my business to other courtesans. I only care about my person, "he said.