Comedian Hwang Shin-young, 30, has made The Triplets Child birth.
Hwang Shin-young said on his 27th day, "I did Child birth. I have a little blood in my stomach now, so I have not even seen the faces of the children because I have been operating on the king and sleeping anesthesia. .. The video I am posting now is the second and third. "
The released video showed the children of the newborn Hwang Shin-young heading to the neonatal intensive care unit (niq). Hwang Shin-young's husband appears to have filmed the footage listening to a nurse's account, with the tiny children's images cluttering his chest.
Hwang Shin-young said, "I think I should recover a little and show my baby photos properly because I have limited visits to the baby niq in Coronara." "Because of the emergency situation, two of our Three Twins have turned on another NTU Hospital metro station niq and are now scattered. Please wait a little for the picture. "
"But all Three Twins babies were born well and I am recovering, so I do not think you should worry. I am so grateful and grateful for the support and celebration. "
Hwang Shin-young married a non-entertainment man, aged five, in 2017. In March of this year, he announced that he succeeded in pregnancy of The Triplets with artificial fertilization in four years of marriage.
Bennimdul...I did Child birth
I have a little blood in my stomach now, so I have not even seen the faces of the children because I have undergone surgery and sleep anesthesia.
I think I should recover a little and show you the picture of the baby because I have limited visits to the baby niq in Coronara. Two of our Three Twins are scattered because of the emergency situation and the power is gone to the other NTU Hospital metro station niq.
The picture is just a squash, so you can't wait
Still, Three Twins babies are all born well and I am recovering, so I do not think you should worry.
Wool Bebenimdul cheering and celebrating so much and thank you.