Kim Seong-joo son Kim Min-gook, a broadcaster, received public applause for his unmatured mature aspect, showing a probable way of coping with evils beyond the road.
Kim Min-gook stuffed a malicious DM (direct Message) sent by flamer into his Instagram story on Wednesday.
The flammer now frowned, indiscriminately scowling at Kim Min-gook, who is just a sophomore in high school and 18 years old: "You do well, Min-guk. Don't be ridiculous! Live straight when you're old. You pathetic. Come on. It's obvious your parents didn't teach you. You shut up. "Shut up," sent a shocking Message.
Kim Min-gook, despite suffering from a high-level evil that adults could not bear, calmly confronted and gave a deep glimpse of his character. This was not the first such malicious attack, especially in the Kim Min-gook SNS, which is believed to be the same flammer, "Do well. Do not say anything, do not hurt your parents' names, but shut up.
Nevertheless, Kim Min-gook responded politely, saying, "Is not it the person who commented last time? It's been a long time."
He also said, "It's been a long time since I have been so fastballed. Will the answer come?"
Kim Min-gook, who has grown up so well, has been reexamined.
Kim Min-gook had time to answer netizens' questions through SNS in March this year, when he said, "It's not a question, but it's a 10-month baby mother at 26. I was asked to say "please cheer up today." Kim Min-gook said, "You have the most beautiful time. Congratulations. I hope you do not lose both beauty. "
"I thought I was walking forward but I think I'm walking backwards. "I feel like I'm falling behind in my life," said a netizen who said, "Most of the long run is the finish line. In the end, everyone is going to come back to their place. "
On the other hand, Kim Min-gook made a fixed appearance with Kim Seong-joo, who was in MBC entertainment 'Night - Dad! Where are you going?'