Broadcaster Kim Ji-min mentioned boyfriend Kim Jun-ho
In the 4th SBS 'transform - House band war' (hereinafter House band war) broadcast on the 15th, MC Kim Seong-jo, Jun Jin, Kim Ji-min, and Park Gun gathered to confirm the results of the Remodeling of the villa completed in 1981, the fourth client.
The client checked the water pressure while looking at The Kitchen, and Kim Seong-joo pulled Susan Motörhead down and confirmed it at the words of Park Gun, "Do not Susan Motörhead also fall down and move?"
After confirming Susan Motörhead, Jun Jin asked Kim Seong-joo to "put (Susan Motörhead) in place." But Kim Seong-joo, embarrassed, put Susan Motörhead in place.
Kim Ji-min, who watched this, asked, "Do not you work for The Kitchen?" And Jun Jin also said, "I do not do it at all." Kim Seong-joo laughed at the story of the two and laughed to avoid the situation saying, "It is better than my House."
At the end of the broadcast, a trailer was released next week, attracting attention because Kim Ji-min mentioned Kim Jun-ho and public devotion in this trailer. Kim Seong-joo, Jun Jin and Park Gun delivered a message of congratulations to Kim Jun-ho and the rumored romantic Kim Ji-min, who said "thank you" for Kim Jun-ho, ashamed.
'House band war' is a House consulting program that enhances the value of the House. It is a life-friendly project that helps the best professional corps of old and old Houses to remodel variously and create profitability and improve according to its use. The 4th will be broadcast on SBS on April 15 at 5:50 pm, SBS FiL at 8:00 pm and Lifetime at 9:00 pm.
On the other hand, Kim Jun-ho and Kim Ji-min, who are between KBS public comedian and junior and agency JDB Entertainment, recently acknowledged their devotion. According to his agency, Kim Ji-min gave great comfort whenever Kim Jun-ho had a hard time, and two people who had good feelings developed into a Couple recently between seniors and juniors.