Huening Kai, a member of TOMORROW X Twogether, has painted fashion pictures with a new charm.
Today (23rd) fashion magazine Jikyu Korea released a solo picture of the September issue with Huening Kai. Huening Kai, who put down his pronoun-like "cleanness" for a while, stood in front of Camera with a heavy and serious expression. Oversized denim, leather jacket, colorful cardigans, and other colorful costumes, and the angle was not affected by the sharp features.
Huening Kai, who was always bright and polite, was faithful to his thoughts in an interview that followed. "I scratched my vocal cords and called them hard and rough. I think it's a new attempt, and I'm wondering how to call it these days to make it more immersive. I am looking for a more comfortable way to sing so that I do not get too tired of my neck when I continue to sing. "
Asked what the final goal was, he gave an impressive answer, "I want to move people's emotions through songs," and I expected him to grow into a wonderful musician.
Huening Kai's deep-thinking interview specialties, all photos and videos can be found in the September issue of Zikyu Korea, website, and official YouTube channel.
On the other hand, TOMORROW X Twogether (Subin, Yeonjun, Beomgyu, Taihyeun, and Huening Kai) released their regular 2nd album 'Chaos: FIGHT OR ESCAPE' on the 17th. Shinbo topped the Oricon daily album chart for two consecutive days on the 18th and 19th, the first day of Japan's release, and the title song LO$ER=LOER (Luser Lover) is maintaining the top spot on the line music daily top song chart, Japan's largest music source site.
iMBC Photo Source: Zikyu Korea