On the 20th, fashion magazine 'Elle' released a picture of Yeonjun, which was a simple mood of black and white. Yeonjun, who showed a variety of activities through TOMORROW X Twogether (Subin, Yeonjun, Beomgyu, Taihun, and Huening Kai), also completely digested the simple concept, and it was bright enough without colorful colors or splashing accessories. Just sitting on a chair without power, I felt an aura, and in the cut using mysterious blue flowers as props, Yeonjun's unique attractive eyes glowed.
Yeonjun showed his affection for music and fashion in an interview that was held Twogether.
"I think music and fashion, both of which are really good media to express me, are good media. I can express myself without constraints in my style. "
As for the contradictory charms shown on and below the stage, "I always wanted to be calmer and cooler, but my personality was not hidden. I always think it is the best thing to be natural. I am with my members, so I can see more playful things. "
When the story about the team color of TOMORROW X Twogether came out, "It is really important to have a team color just as one person is important. I know that we have many colors, and I know that we have many colors. "
Yeonjun's exclusive picture, interviews and videos can be found in the September issue of 'Elle', on its website and on the official YouTube channel.
On the other hand, TOMORROW X Twogether released Regular 2 repackage album 'Chaos chapter: FIGHT OR ESCAPE' on the 17th. The title song LO$ER=LOER(Roger Firstone Tire and Rubber Company) is a song of aunt pop punk genre. Although it looks like 'LO$ER' in the world, it expresses the mind of a boy who wants to be 'Firestone Tire and Rubber Company(LOER)' which saves each other to the only world and savior 'you' I did. The new song stage will be released for the first time through KBS2 Music Bank, which will be broadcast at 5 pm on the 20th.